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Nov 29, 2018
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Grade 5 Creative Writing Prompt “Point of View” with sample answers

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These Grade 5 Grammar and Creative Writing Worksheets are for understanding and practice purpose.

Point of View

Writing Prompt: On a piece of paper, write a story that is from the main character’s point of view.

Writing prompts may instruct you to write about fiction or nonfiction. If the prompt does not specify, feel free to make up a story or draw from personal experience. In this prompt, if you are the main character, you may write from a personal experience from your account, or you may make up a story and write from the main character’s point of view. This type of writing is first-person.

Before you begin writing, you’ll need to brainstorm ideas for your story. Think: What will your story be about? Who will be telling the story? What pronouns will you use if you are telling your story from the main character’s point of view?

Take a look at the two sample answers provided in response to the given writing prompt. Sample answer number one is a story told by the author himself about a true story when he went hiking with his dad.

In sample answer number two, the author makes up a story about a princess who gets lost one day when she’s out riding her horse. The story is written in first-person point of view (from the point of view of the princess).

Sample Answer #1

Last year, for my birthday, my dad took me hiking. I was so excited when he told me what we were doing. I love hiking through the forest. It is really cool to get to see all of the animals that live there. My favorite is a snake. We see lots of different species of snakes all of the time.

We woke up really early to go hiking. We ate a healthy breakfast before we left. I had fruit and oatmeal, and my dad ate a granola bar and protein shake. The trip was about an hour. When we got there, we strapped on our backpacks which had snacks, water, and a first aid kit in it. We hiked for an hour and a half before we stopped. It was so cool. There were lots of bridges, hills, and ponds. We saw a pond with a bench by it, and that is where we stopped. I had a granola bar.

After our snack, we hiked for another hour and half. Then, we made it to this beautiful, large waterfall. I took some pictures with my dad’s phone. Then, we hiked back to the car to go home. Our feet were so sore after our long hike, but it was a lot of fun. I can’t wait for our next father and son hiking trip. 

Example story #1

Question 1) From whose point of view was your story written?
Answer: I wrote the story from my point of view.

Question 2) What is your story about? Summarize the main points.
Answer: My story is about a hiking trip my dad and I went on for my birthday.

Question 3) In your story, as you wrote from the characters point of view, what pronouns did you use?
Answer: I used the following pronouns: I, we, and our

Question 4) Fill in the blank. Writing from the main character’s point of view is also called _____ – person point of view.
Answer: First

Question 5) Did you write a true story from your own point of view, or did you make up a story and write it from the main character’s point of view?
Answer: I wrote a true story from my own point of view.

Question 6) Which of the following pronoun is NOT one that should be used to properly write from a main character’s point of view?
Answer: c) she

Sample Answer #2

My name is Alana. I am a princess. One day, I went on a ride on my royal horse. I always go on rides with her. Her name is Giselle. There is path in the forest just outside the castle where I live. We ride the same path every day. But this one day in particular, I decided to take a different path. I didn’t mean to get lost. I guess I just rode too far into the forest.

Giselle and I tried to turn around and take the same path back, but the path blended in with the rest of the ground, so it was hard to tell where it was sometimes. It started to get dark. I knew my parents must have been looking for me. It turned out that I was right. They were looking for me because they knew I was gone longer than usual. Thankfully, my mom, dad, and the guards safely found us, and we were returned safely home.
Now, whenever I go for a ride, I have to have a guard accompany me. I like having someone with me just in case something happens.
Example story #2

Question 1) From whose point of view was your story written?
Answer: My story was written from the main character’s point of view. This was the princess, Alana.

Question 2) What is your story about? Summarize the main points.
Answer: My story is about a princess named Alana who goes on a horse ride on day and gets lost.

Question 3) In your story, as you wrote from the characters point of view, what pronouns did you use?
Answer: I used the pronouns me, I, we, and us.

Question 4) Fill in the blank. Writing from the main character’s point of view is also called _____ – person point of view.
Answer: First

Question 5) Did you write a true story from your own point of view, or did you make up a story and write it from the main character’s point of view?
Answer: I made up a story and wrote it from the main character’s (the princess) point of view.

Question 6) Which of the following pronoun is NOT one that should be used to properly write from a main character’s point of view?
Answer: c) she

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