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Nov 27, 2018
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Grade 5 Creative Writing Prompt “Main Point” with sample answers

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These Grade 5 Grammar and Creative Writing Worksheets are for understanding and practice purpose.

Main Point

Writing Prompt: On a piece of paper, write a story with any main point and provide two examples of support for your main point.

Writing prompts may instruct you to write about fiction or nonfiction. If the prompt does not specify, feel free to make up a story or draw from personal experience.

Before you begin writing, you’ll need to brainstorm ideas for your story. Think: What is my main point? How will I support my main point? Writing can have multiple main points of view, but please only pick one for your story. There are many different answers to each of these questions, so your story should be unique.

Take a look at the two sample answers provided in response to the given writing prompt. Sample answer number one is a story with the main point: It is important to follow all rules at school. This main point is supported with examples of what will happen if you don’t follow the rules at school.

In sample answer number two, the author writes a story with the main point: Waterparks are really fun. The main point is supported with examples of why and how waterparks are really fun such as big slides and junk food.

Sample Answer #1

There are many rules at school. It is important to follow all of them. If you don’t follow the rules, there are consequences. Your teachers and the principal can give you some kind of warning or punishment. Also, if you get in trouble at school for not following the rules, you may miss out on fun things like recess and field trips.

First, it is important to follow the rules at school because your teacher may give you detention. Detention is not a good thing and it is definitely not fun. You have to stay late after school and sit and do extra work. If you keep not following the rules, the principal may even decide to suspend you which is like a really long detention. That is not fun either, so it is best to follow all of the rules.

Second, it is important to follow the rules at school because you may miss out fun things like field trips and recess. One time, my best friend was talking during our walk to lunch which is supposed to be quiet time, and he had to sit out from recess that day. If you are really bad, you may even miss a really cool field trip, like our one coming up to the art museum.

As you can see, it is very important to follow all of the rules at school. If you don’t, you could end up in detention, missing recess, or missing out on field trips.

Example story #1

Question 1) In your story, what is your main point?
Answer: My main point is that it is important to follow the rules at school.

Question 2) In your story, what is the first example you used to support your main point?
Answer: My first example I used to support my main point was that if you don’t follow the rules at school, you could end up in detention or suspended.

Question 3) In your story, what is the second example you used to support your main point?
Answer: My second example I used to support my main point was that if you don’t follow the rules at school, you could miss out on fun things like recess and field trips.

Question 4) Which of the following is the opposite of the word main?
Answer: d) Minor

Question 5) Which of the following phrases is synonymous with main point?
Answer: d) all of the above

Question 6) True or False. Stories can have more than one main point.
Answer: True.

Sample Answer #2

Waterparks are really fun. They have a bunch of really tall slides you can go on. They also have wave pools. Another big reason waterparks are fun are because they have places to eat that give you hot dogs and cotton candy.

If you haven’t been to a waterpark before, you should go because they are really fun. First of all, they have a bunch of really tall slides that you can slide down. Some of the slides you use a tube to slide down on but on other slides, you go down on your back. Some slides are enclosed while others are open. Some slides are curvy too. Waterparks also have wave pools where you can swim in or take a tube. The waves make you go up and down. It’s a lot of fun.

Second, waterparks are really fun because they have a lot of places where you can go eat junk food. Last month, when I went to a waterpark, we ate lunch at a place that had hot dogs, burgers, and pretzels. It was delicious. There were also a bunch of places with cotton candy, ice cream, and candy.

1. As you can see, waterparks are really fun. If you have never been before, you should check one out so you can enjoy the tall slides, wave pool, and junk food.

Example story #2

Question 1) In your story, what is your main point?
Answer: My main point was waterparks are really fun.

Question 2) In your story, what is the first example you used to support your main point?
Answer: My first example I used to support my main point was that waterparks are really fun because they have a bunch of tall slides and have a wave pool.

Question 3) In your story, what is the second example you used to support your main point?
Answer: My second example I used to support my main point was that waterparks are really fun because they have a lot of places where you can go eat junk food.

Question 4) Which of the following is the opposite of the word main?
Answer: d) Minor

Question 5) Which of the following phrases is synonymous with main point?
Answer: d) all of the above

Question 6) True or False. Stories can have more than one main point.
Answer: True.

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