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Grade 5 Creative Writing Prompt “Historical Figure” with sample answers

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These Grade 5 Grammar and Creative Writing Worksheets are for understanding and practice purpose.

Historical Figure

Writing Prompt: In the space below, write a true story about a historical figure you have learned about.

Writing prompts may instruct you to write about fiction or nonfiction. If the prompt does not specify, feel free to make up a story or draw from personal experience. This specific prompt is nonfiction, meaning you will write a story that is true or based on real life events.

Before you begin writing, you’ll need to brainstorm ideas for your story. Think: who is the historical figure you will choose? What significant thing did this person do? What year did the person do his or her significant act? There are many people you can choose from; think about people you have learned in history or social studies class.

Take a look at the two sample answers provided in response to the given writing prompt. Sample answer number one is about George Washington, the first President of the United States. He became President in 1789 and served until 1797. Before this, he served as the commander in chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1783.

In sample answer number two, the historical figure is William Shakespeare. He is most well-known for the plays and poems he wrote between the mid-1590s and 1616. He had more plays turned into theater performances than any other written plays.

Sample Answer #1

George Washington was the first President of the United States. He was born in the year 1732 in Virginia where he worked much of his life on a plantation farm. In 1759, he married a woman named Martha Custis. Martha had two children of her own, and George Washington cared for them as if they were his own. He never had a child that was biologically his.

In 1775, George Washington was honored with the role of commander in chief during the American Revolutionary role. He served in this role for eight years until 1783. Prior to this, George Washington had experience fighting in the French and Indian war.

Perhaps his most well-known accomplishment, George Washington became President in the year 1789, and he served until the year 1797. He was the very first person who served as the President of the United States. Unfortunately, shortly after his service as President, he died. He was 67 years old at this time. His death was due to complications from a cold and infection. 
Example story #1

Question 1) Who is the historical figure you chose?
Answer: I chose George Washington.

Question 2) What is one significant act the historical figure did?
Answer: George Washington served as the very first President of the United States.

Question 3) In what year did the historical figure complete this act?
Answer: George Washington served as President from 1789 to 1797.

Question 4) Where did you learn about this historical figure? (Class, internet, friend, etc.)
Answer: I learned about George Washington in my social studies class.

Question 5) Write an interesting fact about the historical figure you chose.
Answer: George Washington worked on a plantation farm in Virginia when he was young.

Question 6) The type of writing you just did is called nonfiction writing. In your own words, describe what nonfiction means.
Answer: Nonfiction means the writing or text is based on true events or a real person.

Sample Answer #2

William Shakespeare was born in England, thought the exact year is unknown. It is known, however, he was baptized in England in the year 1564. Little is known about Shakespeare’s educational background. At the young age of 18 years, he married a woman named Anne Hathaway. Together, they had three children. They were married for sixty years up until his death in 1616.

William Shakespeare is best known for his famous plays and poems he wrote. He wrote across multiple genres, including tragedy, comedy, and history. Some of his most famous works include, “Romeo and Juliet,” “Hamlet,” and “Macbeth.” Although the exact dates of when these works were written are unknown, it is likely they were written sometime between the mid-1590s and 1616.

Due to an unknown condition, Shakespeare died in the year 1616. However, Shakespeare did not leave the Earth without leaving a great legacy. A large majority of his plays have been performed at theaters. In fact, he has written more plays that have been turned into theater performances than anyone else. Still today, his plays are performed and his poems are studied in classes.
Example story #2

Question 1) Who is the historical figure you chose?
Answer: I chose William Shakespeare.

Question 2) What is one significant act the historical figure did?
Answer: Shakespeare wrote many plays and poems that still have impact in theater and classes today.

Question 3) In what year did the historical figure complete this act?
Answer: Shakespeare’s most famous works were written between the period of the mid-1590s and the year 1616.

Question 4) Where did you learn about this historical figure? (Class, internet, friend, etc.)
Answer: I learned about William Shakespeare by doing research on the internet.

Question 5) Write an interesting fact about the historical figure you chose.
Answer: William Shakespeare had more plays turned into theater performances than anyone else.

Question 6) The type of writing you just did is called nonfiction writing. In your own words, describe what nonfiction means.
Answer: Nonfiction means the writing or text is based on true events or a real person.

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