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Nov 22, 2018
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Grade 5 Creative Writing Prompt “Good Deeds” with sample answers

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These Grade 5 Grammar and Creative Writing Worksheets are for understanding and practice purpose.

Good Deeds

Writing Prompt: On a piece of paper, write a story about a good deed someone does for another and how each person felt before and after the act of kindness.

Writing prompts may instruct you to write about fiction or nonfiction. If the prompt does not specify, feel free to make up a story or draw from personal experience. In this prompt, either will work.

Before you begin writing, you’ll need to brainstorm ideas for your story. Think: What is the good deed that is done? Who is doing the good deed and for who? How did each person feel before and after the good deed? There are many different answers to each of these questions, so your story should be unique.

Take a look at the two sample answers provided in response to the given writing prompt. Sample answer number one is a story about a person who sees a homeless man sitting by himself on the street. She goes into the restaurant next door and buys him a sandwich and a drink and drops it off next to him.

In sample answer number two, the story is about a young boy who sees a little girl crying on the side of a playground. He goes over to her, gives her a hug, and opens his bag of cookies to share with her.

Sample Answer #1

Leslie was walking home from work one day, tired and ready to relax. Just as she reached her street, she looked across the road and saw a lonely, old homeless man sitting all by himself. He looked very sad to her.
Then, she saw a restaurant next door and decided she would go in and buy him a sandwich and a drink to help him feel better.
Meanwhile, the homeless man, Frank, sat and watched passersby. He felt so alone, sad, and hopeless. Not to mention, he was starving. He could smell the food from the nearby restaurant and would give just about anything for a bite of something. He watched the doors of the restaurant open as a young woman walked out with a to go bag and a drink in her hands. His mouth watered. He continued to watch her all the way until she was standing in front of him. She bent down and set the bag and drink next to him, and then, without a word, she walked away. Frank didn’t know what to say. He was so happy that tears came to his eyes.

From the other side of the street, Leslie watched as Frank ate his sandwich smiling. She smiled, feeling happy that she made someone else happy. 
Example story #1

Question 1) In your story, what is the good deed that is done?
Answer: The good deed was someone bought food and a drink for a homeless man.

Question 2) In your story, who does the good deed and for who?
Answer: Leslie did the good deed for a stranger, a homeless man.

Question 3) In your story, how does the person who does the good deed feel before and after?
Answer: Before Leslie feel tired from work but after she does the good deed, her spirits are lifted and she feels happy.

Question 4) In your story, how does the person receiving the good deed feel before and after?
Answer: The homeless man, Frank, feels sad, lonely, and hungry but after the good deed, he feels much happier and his stomach is getting full.

Question 5) Have you ever done a good deed for someone? If so, what did you do for them?
Answer: Yes, I have done a good deed for someone. I wrote someone a cheerful note and gave them some candy when they were feeling sad.

Question 6) Has anyone ever done a good deed for you? If so, how did you feel after they did?
Answer: Yes, someone has done a good deed for me. It made me feel very happy.

Sample Answer #2

One afternoon at recess, Jim was happily playing on the monkey bars when he noticed a little girl on the side of the playground by herself crying. He jumped off the monkey bars and walked over to the little girl. He gave her a hug and then, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his bag of cookies from lunch. He hadn’t opened them yet. He opened the bag and held it out to the little girl who took one and smiled at him. Jim smiled back feeling even more happy at that moment than when he was playing on the playground.

From the little girl’s perspective: Jane was sitting on the side of the playground crying all by herself. She missed her mommy and daddy, and she had no friends at school to help cheer her up. She watched a little boy walk to her and hug her. She immediately felt better in his arms. Then, he offered her cookies, and she felt much better. She felt like she had a friend.
Example story #2

Question 1) In your story, what is the good deed that is done?
Answer: The good deed was sharing cookies and giving a hug.

Question 2) In your story, who does the good deed and for who?
Answer: Jim, a little boy, does the good deed for another little girl on the playground.

Question 3) In your story, how does the person who does the good deed feel before and after?
Answer: Jim feels happy before his good deed but he feels even more happy after his good deed.

Question 4) In your story, how does the person receiving the good deed feel before and after?
Answer: Jane feels sad and lonely before Jim does the good deed, but she feels happy and not lonely afterward.

Question 5) Have you ever done a good deed for someone? If so, what did you do for them?
Answer: Yes, I made soup for my mom when she was sick.

Question 6) Has anyone ever done a good deed for you? If so, how did you feel after they did?
Answer: Yes, my grandma made me her famous blueberry pie one day just because she loves me.

Article Categories:
Creative Writing · Grade 5 Worksheets

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