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Grade 5 Creative Writing Prompt “Envy” with sample answers

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These Grade 5 Grammar and Creative Writing Worksheets are for understanding and practice purpose.


Writing Prompt: On a piece of paper, write about a character who is jealous of another and how the character is able to overcome his or her jealousy.

Writing prompts may instruct you to write about fiction or nonfiction. If the prompt does not specify, feel free to make up a story or draw from personal experience. In this prompt, either is appropriate.

Before you begin writing, you’ll need to brainstorm ideas for your story. Think: Who are the characters in your story? Why is one character jealous of the other? How does this character overcome his or her jealousy?

There are many different answers to each of these questions, so your story should be unique.

Take a look at the two sample answers provided in response to the given writing prompt. Sample answer number one is a story about a fourth-grade girl who was jealous of one of her classmates when they got to go to a waterpark for spring break and she did not get to. Her mom helped her overcome this jealousy by helping her realize that even though she didn’t get to go to a waterpark, she did still get to do fun things.

In sample answer number two, the author writes a story about a brother who is jealous of his sister when she buys herself a new toy with the money she got for her birthday and he doesn’t get anything. He is able to overcome his jealousy when his dad tells him that once he earns enough money then he too will be able to buy himself a toy he wants.

Sample Answer #1

Evie, a fourth-grader, overheard one of her classmates talking about her trip to the waterpark over spring break. Upset, she went home after school and complained to her mom.

“It’s not fair that she got to go to a waterpark over spring break and I ddin’t. Why couldn’t we have gone to a waterpark?” Evie asked her mom.

“It’s just not what we chose to do this time, honey. Your dad and I didn’t have the time off work to take a trip to a waterpark,” Evie’s mom explained.

“But it’s just not fair. I want to go to a waterpark!”

“Evie,” her mom began, “there’s no reason to be jealous of her classmate. Even though you didn’t get to go to a waterpark, you still got to do a lot of fun things.”

Evie thought for a moment before answering. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I did get to go to the pool. And we went to the movies. That was a lot of fun.”

“See. Your friend didn’t get to do all of that at the waterpark. Beside, perhaps we can all take a vacation to a waterpark this summer. How does that sound?”

Evie jumped up, excited. “Yeah! That would be so much fun!” 

Example story #1

Question 1) In your story, who are your characters and who is jealous of the other?
Answer: Evie is jealous of one of her fourth-grade classmates.

Question 2) In your story, what is the cause for the jealousy?
Answer: The cause of jealousy is that Evie’s classmate got to go to a waterpark for spring break but Evie didn’t.

Question 3) In your story, how does your character overcome his or her jealousy?
Answer: Evie’s mom helps Evie overcome her jealousy by helping her recognize all of the fun things she got to do over spring break and that they’ll have a chance in the future to go to a waterpark.

Question 4) Choose the best choice synonym for the word jealousy.
Answer: c) envy

Question 5) Have you ever been jealous? If so, of what?
Answer: Yes, I was jealous when my brother got to go to a baseball game with our dad without me.

Question 6) Have you ever had a friend or family member who was jealous of someone or something? Explain.
Answer: Yes, my brother was jealous of me when my daddy and I went to the movies without him once.

Sample Answer #2

Leah just had her tenth birthday, and she got a lot of money from family. She decided she wanted to go out and buy a new toy with the money she got so her dad took her and her brother to the toy store.

“Why does she get to pick a new toy and I don’t?” Liam, Leah’s brother, asked his dad.

“Because it is her birthday and she’s using her own money to buy it.”

“It’s not fair. I want a new toy too. Will you buy me one daddy, please?”

“When it’s your birthday, you’ll get some money from family too and then you’ll be able to buy your own toy just like Leah” his dad explained.

“But my birthday isn’t for another eight months. I want a new toy now,” Liam whimpered.

“Well, how much money do you have saved up?” his dad asked Liam.

“Eight dollars.”

“I bet your mom and I can find some chores for you to do around the house so you can earn money. Then, once you save up a little more, you’ll have enough to buy the toy you want.”

Liam thought for a moment and realized his dad was right. “I’ll wash the dishes after dinner tonight. And I can vacuum and do laundry and anything else you need me to do.”

His dad laughed. “That’s right. And you and I will come back here once you have enough money.”

Liam jumped for joy, excited to start on chores to earn money for a toy of his own.

Example story #2

Question 1) In your story, who are your characters and who is jealous of the other?
Answer: Leah and Liam, brother and sister, are the characters in my story. Liam is jealous of his sister Leah.

Question 2) In your story, what is the cause for the jealousy?
Answer: Liam is jealous that Leah gets to buy herself a new toy because he also wants a new toy.

Question 3) In your story, how does your character overcome his or her jealousy?
Answer: Liam overcomes his jealousy once his dad helps him realize that he can do chores to earn money so that he can go to the toy store and buy his own new toy.

Question 4) Choose the best choice synonym for the word jealousy.
Answer: c) envy

Question 5) Have you ever been jealous? If so, of what?
Answer: Yes, I have been jealous of my friends before when they get to do things that I can’t do.

Question 6) Have you ever had a friend or family member who was jealous of someone or something? Explain.
Answer: Yes, my cousin was jealous when I got to go to the carnival without her when she was sick.

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Creative Writing · Grade 5 Worksheets

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