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Nov 18, 2018
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Grade 5 Creative Writing Prompt “Description” with sample answers

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These Grade 5 Grammar and Creative Writing Worksheets are for understanding and practice purpose.



Writing Prompt: On a piece of paper, make up your own animal and write about what it looks like, what it does, what it eats, where it lives, how it moves, etc. Use as many adjectives as you can.

Writing prompts may instruct you to write about fiction or nonfiction. If the prompt does not specify, feel free to make up a story or draw from personal experience. In this prompt, write a fictional story.

Before you begin writing, you’ll need to brainstorm ideas for your story. Think: what does your animal look like? What does your animal do? What does it eat? Where does it live? How does it move? There are many different answers to each of these questions, so your story should be unique.

Take a look at the two sample answers provided in response to the given writing prompt. Sample answer number one is about an animal that is super small and eats only crumbs. It has the ability to change colors, it glides across surfaces to move, and it lives inside only.

In sample answer number two, the story is about an animal that is about the size of a big dog. It has six legs, large teeth, a super long tongue, and four ears. It lives in the cold, northern areas of the United States.

Sample Answer #1

The animal I created is very small. It’s about the size of a crumb. My animal has really long, thin antennas, and its body has the ability to camouflage in with its surroundings. Sometimes it will be pink, other times it will be brown or white, and sometimes it will be multicolored. It’s really cool that way.

My animal has lots of tiny feet. It uses its feet to stand and balance. However, when the animal needs to move, it pulls up its feet into its body and glides across the surface. It is able to do this because its body is super slick and slippery. It doesn’t move too fast but it doesn’t move too slow either.

My animal lives inside only. It can live anywhere in the world as long as it is living inside. It will die if it goes outside. You can keep one in your house!

My animal eats food crumbs because that’s the only thing small enough for it to eat. It loves to eat bread or pastry crumbs. It doesn’t really like to eat fruit crumbs though.

Example story #1

Question 1) In your story, what does your animal look like? Use as many adjectives as you can.
Answer: My animal is super small. It can be any color because it can camouflage into anything. It has long antennas, tiny feet, and a slippery body.

Question 2) In your story, where does your animal live?
Answer: My animal lives anywhere as long as it is inside.

Question 3) In your story, how does your animal move?
Answer: My animal glides across surfaces by bringing in its tiny feet and sliding across surfaces on its slick, slippery body.

Question 4) In your story, what does your animal eat?
Answer: My animal eats crumbs of food. Its favorite is from bread or pastries. It doesn’t really like to eat fruit crumbs.

Question 5) In your own words, explain what an adjective is.
Answer: An adjective is a description word.

Question 6) Identify the adjective(s) in the sentence below.
My big dog Jack loves to eat ripe, red apples.
Answer: Big, ripe, red

Sample Answer #2

My animal is about the size of a big dog. The fur is either a brown or gray colored. Sometimes it can be a mix of both brown and gray. It has six legs that help it move really fast. The animal uses its legs to walk or run but it cannot swim or fly. It has lots of really big teeth which help it eat big animals and chew them up. Usually, the animals eat animals such as rabbits, big birds, and snakes. Also, it has a really long pink tongue that it uses to catch things. Finally, it has four ears to help it to hear really well. The animal can hear things from miles away!
My animal likes the cold weather so it usually lives in the cold areas in the northern United States. You don’t find the animal in other countries.

My animal is not meant to be a pet. Instead, it lives in the wild. If you ever run into one, it won’t hurt you as long as you don’t mess with it.
Example story #2

Question 1) In your story, what does your animal look like? Use as many adjectives as you can.
Answer: My animal is about the size of a big dog. It is brown or gray colored. It has super big teeth to eat big animals and a long tongue to catch things with. It also has six legs to help it run really fast and four ears for excellent hearing.

Question 2) In your story, where does your animal live?
Answer: My animal lives in the cold, northern areas of the United States.

Question 3) In your story, how does your animal move?
Answer: My animal moves with its six legs by walking or running.

Question 4) In your story, what does your animal eat?
Answer: My animal eats animals such as rabbits, big birds, and snakes.

Question 5) In your own words, explain what an adjective is.
Answer: An adjective is a word that describes something else.

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