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Nov 18, 2018
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Grade 5 Creative Writing Prompt “Conflict” with sample answers

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These Grade 5 Grammar and Creative Writing Worksheets are for understanding and practice purpose.



Writing Prompt: On a piece of paper, write a story about a conflict between two characters and how they came to a resolution.

Writing prompts may instruct you to write about fiction or nonfiction. If the prompt does not specify, feel free to make up a story or draw from personal experience. In this prompt, either will work.

Before you begin writing, you’ll need to brainstorm ideas for your story. Think: what is the conflict? Who are the characters? What is the resolution, and how do they come to the resolution? There are many different answers to each of these questions, so your story should be unique.

Take a look at the two sample answers provided in response to the given writing prompt. Sample answer number one involves a brother and sister, Ted and Tina, who fight over who gets to play the game system first {the conflict}. To work together, Ted and Tina decide to share the game system by playing a team game (the resolution). This way, they both get to play first.

In sample answer number two, the conflict is between a mom and her daughter, Riley. Riley wants to go to a friend’s birthday party, but her mom says no because she is grounded for the weekend from a bad test grade (the conflict). Riley and her mom come to an agreement that lets Riley attend the birthday party for part of the time, only after she spends the morning studying her missed test questions.

The colored text in the sample answers identify the key questions that are being addressed. The identification guide is below.
Who are the characters?
What is the conflict?
What is the resolution?
How do the characters come to the resolution?

Sample Answer #1

Ted and Tina are brother and sister. One day after school, they both ran home as fast as they could.
“I’m playing on the game system first!” shouted Ted.
“No, I am!” Tina spat back.
“It’s my turn with it!” rebuttled Ted.
“No, it’s not. You had it first last time. It’s my turn to have it first.”
They walked in the front door still arguing with one another. Their mother stood in the kitchen. “What is all of this bickering about?” she demanded to know.
“Ted says he gets to play on the game system first, but it’s my turn with it,” said Tina.
“I specifically remember you coming home last Friday and playing it first,” said Ted.
The two started yelling at one another again.
“Enough!” shouted their mom. “I don’t know who’s turn it is, but I do know that you two need to figure this out or neither of you will be playing on the game system tonight.
Ted and Tina sat in silence, both frustrated at the other. Finally, Tina spoke. “What game were you going to play anyway?”
“Viva Pinata,” Ted mumbled.
Tina looked up at him. “Me too! How about we both play together?”
Ted thought for a moment before answering. “I guess that would let us both play first. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.
Example story #1

Question 1) In your story, who are the two characters with the conflict?
Answer: Ted and Tina, brother and sister, are the characters with the conflict.

Question 2) In your story, what is the conflict?
Answer: The conflict is about who gets to play on the game system first.

Question 3) In your story, how did the characters come to a resolution?
Answer: Ted and Tina talk together to come to a resolution.

Question 4) In your story, what was the resolution between the two characters?
Answer: The resolution is that they both play first together on the game system.

Question 5) Did you write about a conflict that happened to you or someone you know or is it a story about a conflict you made up?
Answer: Answers will vary. Example answer: Yes, I wrote about a conflict that happened between me and my best friend.

Question 6) Have you ever had a conflict with someone? If so, were you able to come to a resolution together?
Answer: Answers will vary. Example answer: Yes, I have had a conflict with my best friend. We were able to come to a resolution.

Sample Answer #2

Riley just made it home from school and was looking for her mom to ask her a question. “Hey, mom.”
“Yeah, honey?” her mom asked.
“A friend is having a birthday party this weekend. Can I go?”
“Can you explain to me why you got a C on your math test?” she asked, holding up her test paper.
“I guess I just didn’t study enough,” Riley said sheepishly.
“Well, then, I guess you won’t be going to the birthday party this weekend. Instead, you’’ll be studying – something you obviously didn’t do enough of for this test.”
“But mom – “
“End of discussion, Riley. Her mom got up and walked away, further making her point.
Later that night, during dinner, Riley figured she would try once more to get her mom to let her go. “Mom,” she began to explain, “it’s Caroline’s birthday party. You know she is my best friend. And it’s her tenth birthday. This is a big deal, and it only ever happens once. I am willing to do extra chores if you will consider letting me go.”
Her mom thought about it. A tenth birthday did only come once. And Caroline was her best friend. “Fine. If you study the questions you missed on the test and correct all of them before her party, then you can go. If you don’t, then you will stay home.”
“Deal!” exclaimed Riley. The next morning, she got up early and corrected all of her test questions so she could go to the party. It was well worth the work because her and Caroline had such a great time, they’ll never forget.
Example story #2

Question 1) In your story, who are the two characters with the conflict?
Answer: Riley and her mom are the characters with the conflict.

Question 2) In your story, what is the conflict?
Answer: The conflict is about Riley wanting to go to a birthday party, but her mom says no.

Question 3) In your story, how did the characters come to a resolution?
Answer: Riley and her mom talk and come to an agreement.

Question 4) In your story, what was the resolution between the two characters?
Answer: The resolution is that Riley gets to go to the birthday party only after she spends the morning studying.

Question 5) Did you write about a conflict that happened to you or someone you know or is it a story about a conflict you made up?
Answer: Answers will vary. Example answer: I wrote about a conflict story that I made up between two sisters.

Question 6) Have you ever had a conflict with someone? If so, were you able to come to a resolution together?
Answer: Answers will vary. Example answer: Yes, I have had a conflict with my mom. We talked through everything and came to a resolution.

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