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May 10, 2018
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Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Random Topics – Essays, Descriptive and Story Writing

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“Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Random Topics – Essays, Descriptive and Story Writing” Printable Worksheets

These Grade 4 English resources and worksheets have answers also given in the downloadable links below.

Creative Writing

Writing or telling a story can be simple, a few simple sentences that give a beginning, middle, and end. However, creative writing is telling a story with detail that comes from the imagination or is loosely based on real events.

There are a few tips that can help make your creative story better. Since many creative stories are short, we will focus on short creative stories.

  1. Begin your story as close to the action as possible. The first paragraph should be catchy and detailed rich to grab the reader’s attention.
  2. Develop your characters and background, but do not go overboard. Give your reader enough information to be able to picture your characters and understand their actions, but not so much information that the story is lost in explanation.
  3. Choose a point of view. Is your story told by a character? Maybe an omnipresent narrator that sees all? Stick with one point of view to keep it simple.
  4. Do not be afraid to use dialogue to enhance the writing.
  5. Choose a setting and share the time, atmosphere, context, and location with your reader with some detail. If your story is in a jungle, close your eyes, picture a jungle, and then write about what you imagine.
  6. Create some conflict in your writing to keep the reader interested. Allow this to come to a crisis or climax in which the characters must make a decision.
  7. End the story well with a resolution. While all problems do not have to be solved, do not leave your readers hanging unless this is a series. Even in a series of short creative stories, some resolution should be made.
  8. Have fun! Creative writing is about having fun with your writing while using proper skills. Let your imagination take you to new lands with unique situations that will keep the reader wanting more.

 Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Random Topics - Essays, Descriptive and Story Writing Printable Worksheets

Explanation of the topic

Worksheet 1 Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Random Topics - Essays, Descriptive and Story Writing Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 1 Brainstorming

with answers

Worksheet 2 Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Random Topics - Essays, Descriptive and Story Writing Printable Worksheets

Worksheet 2 Story Writing

with answers

Worksheet 3
 Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Random Topics - Essays, Descriptive and Story Writing Printable Worksheets Worksheets

Worksheet 3  Descriptive

Writing on Invention

with answers

Worksheet 4
 Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Random Topics - Essays, Descriptive and Story Writing Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 4

Story Writing on

Living in the Past

with answers

Worksheet 5
 Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Random Topics - Essays, Descriptive and Story Writing Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 5 Story Writing

on Identifying the Parts

with answers

Worksheet 6
 Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Random Topics - Essays, Descriptive and Story Writing Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 6 Story Writing

on Tornado

with answers

Worksheet 7
 Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Random Topics - Essays, Descriptive and Story Writing Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 7 Creative Writing

on The Alien Planet 

with answers

Worksheet 8
 Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Random Topics - Essays, Descriptive and Story Writing Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 8 on

Writing Details

with answers

Worksheet 9
 Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Random Topics - Essays, Descriptive and Story Writing Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 9 on

Character Description

with answers

Worksheet 10
 Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Random Topics - Essays, Descriptive and Story Writing Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 10

Descriptive Writing on

King or Queen

with answers

Worksheet 11
 Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Random Topics - Essays, Descriptive and Story Writing Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 11 Essay on

Why Friends are Important

with answers

Worksheet 12
 Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Random Topics - Essays, Descriptive and Story Writing Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 12 Essay on

A Place you have Visited

with answers

Worksheet 13
 Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Random Topics - Essays, Descriptive and Story Writing Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 13 Essay on

Something you Like

with answers

Worksheet 14
 Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Random Topics - Essays, Descriptive and Story Writing Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 14 Essay on

your Grand Parents

with answers

Worksheet 15
 Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Random Topics - Essays, Descriptive and Story Writing Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 15 Essay

on your Favourite Animal

with answers

Worksheet 16
 Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Random Topics - Essays, Descriptive and Story Writing Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 16 Writing Details

on Traffic Lights

with answers

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