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Mar 9, 2016

Grade 1 Arabic Worksheets: Nouns (إسم) List 5

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Grade 1 Arabic Worksheets: Nouns (إسم) List 5

Drawing Room Items

Page 1

candle-شَمْعة Worksheet

Page 2

chandelier-ثُرَيّا Worksheet

Page 3

coffee table-طاوِلة-القَهوة Worksheet

Page 4

curtain-سِتارة Worksheet

Page 5

dining table-طاولة-الطعام Worksheet

Page 6

table cloth-مَفْرَش-الطّاوِلة Worksheet

Page 7

tray-صينِيّة Worksheet

Comments to Grade 1 Arabic Worksheets: Nouns (إسم) List 5

  • Hi,
    Could you please share Playing Room and Activity Room Nouns as well. All your worksheets are really great. May God Bless You more and more for the Wonderful Works.

    Diana February 5, 2017 9:00 am
    • Thanks for the appreciation Diana. I have been focusing on other content. my objective is to provide maximum helpful worksheets, but at this point cant commit.

      Somaira Khatri February 16, 2020 6:13 am