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Aug 20, 2015
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Comprehensions for Grade 3 (Ages 7 – 9) Worksheets

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Comprehensions with answers

  1. Olivia’s & Maxwell’s trip to Yellowstone National Park
  2. Classical composers Beethoven and Mozart
  3. The Bluebird’s song
  4. Noah’s trip to Everglades National Park
  5. Lily’s first trip to the Ocean
  6. Fighting Gravity and Drog through Flight
  7. Mars and Earth
  8. Penguins, an aquatic but Flightless Bird
  9. Consumers and Producers
  10. Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father
  11. Fieldtrip to the Stream (Frogs & Toads)
  12. George Washington
  13. Reptiles
  14. Spiders
  15. Plant Life Cycle
  16. American Baseball
  17. American Football
  18. Thomas Edison
  19. Rock Cycle
  20. Native Americans
  21. Deserts
  22. The Ecosystem & the Environment
  23. Landforms
  24. Black Holes
  25. The Vikings
  26. The Branches of Government
  27. Rainforests
  28. The Inuit
  29. The 3 States of Matter
  30. Carnivorous Plants
  31. Rural Areas
  32. Grasslands
  33. Light Speed


Comprehensions with only passage and questions

Passage 11 Existence of other beings grade 3 comprehension worksheet

Other Beings

Passage 22 interesting facts about crickets grade 3 comprehension worksheet

Facts About Crickets

Passage 33 phases of the moon grade 3 comprehension worksheet

Phases Of The Moon

Passage 44 the invention of railway tracks grade 3 comprehension worksheet

Railway Tracks

Passage 5

5 the life of a butterfly grade 3 comprehension worksheet

Life Of A Butterfly

Passage 6

6 Dora-The day Dreamer grade 3 comprehension worksheet

Dora The Day Dreamer

Passage 7

7 Flower Pixie Format grade 3 comprehension worksheet

Flower Pixie

Passage 8

8 hush puppy grade 3 comprehension worksheet

Hush Puppy

Passage 9

9 The magic ring grade 3 comprehension worksheet

The Magic Ring

Passage 10

10 things i dont understand grade 3 comprehension worksheet

Things I Dont

Passage 11

11 tigers grade 3 comprehension worksheet


Passage 12

12 Richard and the Baby Bird grade 3 comprehension worksheet

Richard And The Bird

Passage 13

13 Ciara's Seventh Birthday grade 3 comprehension worksheet

Ciara’s Birthday

Passage 14

14 The Thief Of Shawls grade 3 comprehension worksheet

The Thief Of Shawls

Passage 15

15 Goblet grade 3 comprehension worksheet

Magical Goblet

Passage 16

16 computer grade 3 comprehension worksheet


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