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Oct 25, 2017
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Grade 4 Maths Resources (1.7.5 Dividing by Multiples of 10 Printable Worksheets)

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Dividing by Multiples of 10 Printable Worksheets

These Grade 4 Maths resources and worksheets have answers also given in the downloadable links below.

Dividing by Multiples of 10

  1. When dividing a number by a multiple of 10, 100 or 1000, we follow some simple rules.

To understand, let’s look at the following example.

Let’s take 54,000 as our dividend.

When divided by 10, 54,000 will lose one of its zeros and we’ll get our quotient i.e. 5,400

           54,000 ÷ 10 = 5,400                 


When divided by 100, 54,000 will lose two of its zeros and we’ll get our quotient i.e. 540

           54,000 ÷ 100 = 540


When divided by 1000, 54,000 will lose all three of its zeros and we’ll get our quotient i.e. 54

           54,000 ÷ 1000 = 54


  1. When we are dividing a multiple of 10, 100 or 1000, we will follow the basic division rules here too.

Let’s look at the following example. Take 12,000 as our divided and 2 as our divisor.

Simply we will divide 12 by 2 and will add the number of zeros in the dividend in our quotient.

12,000 ÷ 2 = 6,000            (12÷2=6)


  1. When dividing a multiple of 10, 100 or 1000 by a multiple of 10,100 or 1000, we will go about as follows.

We simply cut the zeroes in the divisor with the zeroes in the dividend and will then divide dividend by the single digit we have now in the divisor following the rules we discusses in point#2.

12,000 ÷ 20 = 600    or     12,000 ÷ 200 = 60

 Dividing by Multiples of 10 Printable Worksheets

Explanation of Dividing by Multiples of 10 Printable Worksheets

Worksheet 1
 Dividing by Multiples of 10 Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 1
Dividing by Multiples of 10 Printable Worksheets

Worksheet 2 Dividing by Multiples of 10 Printable Worksheets

Worksheet 2
Dividing by Multiples of 10 Printable Worksheets

Worksheet 3
 Dividing by Multiples of 10 Printable Worksheets Worksheets

Worksheet 3
Dividing by Multiples of 10 Printable Worksheets

Worksheet 4
 Dividing by Multiples of 10 Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 4
Dividing by Multiples of 10 Printable Worksheets

Worksheet 5
 Dividing by Multiples of 10 Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 5
Dividing by Multiples of 10 Printable Worksheets

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