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Nov 27, 2018
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Grade 5 Creative Writing Prompt “Instructions” with sample answers

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These Grade 5 Grammar and Creative Writing Worksheets are for understanding and practice purpose.


Writing Prompt: In the space below, write a set of instructions that tell someone how to do a certain task. Number each step.

Writing prompts may instruct you to write about fiction or nonfiction. If the prompt does not specify, feel free to make up a story or draw from personal experience. In this prompt, you can write instructions on how to do something that is real or a fantasy.

Before you begin writing, you’ll need to brainstorm ideas for your story. Think: What item or task are you telling your readers how to make/do? What items or skills are needed to complete the instructions? How long will the task take to complete? There are many different answers to each of these questions, so your instructions should be unique.

Take a look at the two sample answers provided in response to the given writing prompt. Sample answer number one is a sheet of instructions that tells someone how to train a dragon.

In sample answer number two, someone writes instructions on how to paint a rainbow fish using only three colors.

Sample Answer #1

How to Train a Dragon
Training a dragon is no easy task. To fully train a dragon, approximately four weeks of training is necessary. The steps are broken down below by week.

Week One:
1. Find a dragon.

2. Get a leash for your dragon and put him or her on it. Tie the leash to a tree to ensure your dragon does not escape.

3. Teach your dragon how to sit and stay in one place by demonstrating the actions. When the dragon successfully imitates you, give him a treat.

Week Two:
1. This week, you will teach your dragon to breathe fire. With the help of an adult, set up a firepit.

2. Tell your dragon to breathe out forcefully at the firepit. Have him or her take deep breaths to help get fire out. Repeat this until your dragon is able to light up the firepit with his or her breath.

Week Three:
1. This week, you will teach your dragon to fly. Untie your dragon’s leash from the tree. Demonstrate flying motions by flapping your arms. Let your dragon imitate you. Give a treat when he or she does this.

2. Once your dragon can flap his or her wings, teach him or her how to get air by jumping while flapping your arms. Once he gets air, give him a treat. Continue this until he is able to fly around the area.

Week Four:
Find a way to get on your dragon’s back. Once on, use his collar to hold on. Then, tell your dragon to fly. Use him or her to fly you wherever! And this is how you train a dragon.

Example story #1

Question 1) In your instructions, what item or task did you write instructions for?
Answer: I wrote instructions for someone to learn how to train a dragon.

Question 2) In your instructions, what items or skills are needed to complete the set of instructions?
Answer: You will need a dragon, a collar, a leash, and a firepit.

Question 3) In your instructions, how long will the task take to complete?
Answer: The task will take four weeks to fully train a dragon.

Question 4) In your instructions, how many steps are there?
Answer: There are a total of eight steps over a period of four weeks.

Question 5) Did you write about a set of instructions for something that is real or a fantasy? If it is real, is it something you have done before?
Answer: I wrote a set of instructions for a task that is a fantasy.

Question 6) Have you ever had to follow instructions to make something or complete a task? If so, for what?
Answer: Yes, I have had to follow instructions to make an origami bird in art class.

Sample Answer #2

Paint a Rainbow Fish Using Only Three Colors
Follow these instructions to paint your own rainbow fish using only three colors.

1. Pour blue, yellow, and red paint on a plate.

2. Get a water cup to rinse your paintbrush.

3. Lay a sheet of white paper out in front of you.

4. Get a pencil and draw the outline of a fish.

5. Now, take your paintbrush and paint your first stripe on your rainbow fish. You will go in order of the colors of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple). Start with red.

6. Rinse your paintbrush.

7. Next, you will need to mix the red and yellow paint to make orange. Once you do this, paint the orange stripe on your fish next to the red stripe.

8. Rinse your paintbrush.

9. Paint a yellow stripe on your fish next to the orange stripe.

10. Rinse your paintbrush.

11. Next, you will need to mix the blue and yellow paint to make green. Once you do this, paint the green stripe on your fish next to the yellow stripe.

12. Rinse your paintbrush.

13. Paint a blue stripe on your fish next to the green stripe.

14. Next, for your last stripe, you will need to mix the blue and red paint to make purple. Once you do this, paint a purple strip on your fish next to the blue stripe. And now, you have created a rainbow-striped fish using only three colors!

Example story #2

Question 1) In your instructions, what item or task did you write instructions for?
Answer: I wrote instructions for how to paint a rainbow fish using only three colors.

Question 2) In your instructions, what items or skills are needed to complete the set of instructions?
Answer: To complete the task, the following items are needed: blue, yellow, and red paint, paintbrush, plate, water cup, pencil, and paper.

Question 3) In your instructions, how long will the task take to complete?
Answer: The task will take between 30 to 60 minutes to complete.

Question 4) In your instructions, how many steps are there?
Answer: There is a total of fourteen steps.

Question 5) Did you write about a set of instructions for something that is real or a fantasy? If it is real, is it something you have done before?
Answer: I wrote a set of instructions for something that is real and can be done in reality. Yes, it is something I have done before.

Question 6) Have you ever had to follow instructions to make something or complete a task? If so, for what?
Answer: Yes, I had to follow instructions in my swim class for how to do the butterfly.

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