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Feb 24, 2018
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Grade 4 English Resources Printable Worksheets Topic: Simple Past Tenses

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“Simple Past Tenses” Printable Worksheets

These Grade 4 English resources and worksheets have answers also given in the downloadable links below.


Simple past tense expresses action or occurrence that has happened.

You tell about what you have done, what existed before or what has already happened by expressing yourself with past tense.

Verbs of past tense are in the past form.


  • I lost my money.
  • I read my book a while ago.
  • He took his bath this morning.

Regular verbs of simple past tense are marked by –t, -d, or –ed ending.


  • work = worked
  • talk = talked

Irregular verbs of simple past tense have a variety of endings.


  • run = ran
  • sing = sang
  • drive = drove



 Simple Past Tenses Printable Worksheets

Explanation of the topic

Worksheet 1 Simple Past Tenses Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 1 with answers

Worksheet 2 Simple Past Tenses Printable Worksheets

Worksheet 2 with answers

Worksheet 3
 Simple Past Tenses Printable Worksheets Worksheets

Worksheet 3 with answers

Worksheet 4
 Simple Past Tenses Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 4 with answers

Worksheet 5
 Simple Past Tenses Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 5 with answers

Worksheet 6
 Simple Past Tenses Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 6 with answers

Worksheet 7
 Simple Past Tenses Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 7 with answers

Worksheet 8
 Simple Past Tenses Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 8 with answers

Worksheet 9
 Simple Past Tenses Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 9 with answers

Worksheet 10
 Simple Past Tenses Printable Worksheets Worksheet

Worksheet 10 with answers

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