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Grade 5 Creative Writing Prompt “Research” with sample answers

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These Grade 5 Grammar and Creative Writing Worksheets are for understanding and practice purpose.


Writing Prompt: On a piece if paper write research facts about topics of your interest. Then, write an essay about it.

Statue of Liberty, Julius Caesar, The Constitution, Great Barrier Reef, Lewis and Clark, Beluga Whales, Rome Colosseum, Martin Luther King ,Diamonds, Mt. Everest or Lions

Writing prompts may instruct you to write about fiction or nonfiction. If the prompt does not specify, feel free to make up a story or draw from personal experience. This prompt is nonfiction. Utilize resources such as the internet and books to find information on your topic.

Before you begin writing, you’ll need to brainstorm ideas for your story. Think: What is your research topic? What are some basic facts about the person, place, or thing? Where can it be found? What can it do or what is its purpose? There are many different answers to each of these questions so your story should be unique.

Take a look at the two sample answers provided in response to the given writing prompt. Sample answer number one provides research on the topic Great Barrier Reef located off the northeastern coast of Australia. It is a popular tourist spot and is home to a variety of marine life.

In sample answer number two, the author researches and writes about the topic diamonds. Diamonds are formed from carbon and are most known for their elegance and use in jewelry.

Sample Answer #1

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest living thing on Earth. It is located off the northeastern coast of Australia. According to an article, “Facts About the Great Barrier Reef,” the reef spans over 1,500 miles. It is so big that it can be seen from space, and according to one site, it is the only living thing that can be seen from space. The reef is home to numerous types of marine life including corals, jellyfish, sharks, rays, and fish.

The Great Barrier Reef is a huge draw for tourists. The article, “Great Barrier Reef Facts,” states that about two million people visit the reef every year. People have the option to take a boat ride over the reef or swim, snorkel, or dive in the reef. There are over 900 islands located throughout the reef and over 2,600 individual reefs. According to some, the Great Barrier Reef has been around for about 20 million years.

Today, climate change, warm ocean waters, and pollution threaten the Great Barrier Reef and the creatures that live in it. Some believe that these events may eventually damage the reef to no existence. 

Example story #1

Question 1: In your story, what topic was your research about?
Answer: My research topic was on the Great Barrier Reef.

Question 2: In your story, was your research topic a person, place, thing, or animal?
Answer: My research topic was a place.

Question 3: Write one new fact you learned while researching your topic.
Answer: The Great Barrier Reef has more than 900 islands.

Question 4: Where did you find your information to your research topic?
Answer: I found the information on the internet and from reading library books.

Question 5: Where does your research topic live or where can it be found?
Answer: The Great Barrier Reef can be found off the coast of eastern Australia.

Question 6: List the most interesting fact about your topic you found.
Answer: The Great Barrier Reef is the only living thing that can be seen from space.

Sample Answer #2

Diamonds are best known for their beauty and use in jewelry. But diamonds do not start out so beautiful and elegantly shaped. Diamonds are created from carbon during extremely high temperatures and pressure. The process of forming diamonds is not quick. According to one site, it takes anywhere between one to three billion years for diamonds to form from carbon. Volcanoes play a big role in the formation of diamonds.

Diamonds are extremely hard substances. In fact, one site refers to it as the hardest material that we know of. This site also states that it can only be scratched by other diamonds. Approximately nine billion dollars’ worth of diamonds are mined every year. Almost 50% of all diamonds are mined from Central Africa and Southern Africa. However, diamonds can also be mined in Canada, Russia, Australia, Brazil, and India.

Today, diamonds continue to be mined every year from the places listed above. Diamonds are often seen in pieces of jewelry such as rings, earrings, and necklaces.

Example story #2

Question 1) In your story, what topic was your research about?
Answers: My research topic was on diamonds.

Question 2) In your story, was your research topic a person, place, thing, or animal?
Answers: My research topic was a thing.

Question 3) Write one new fact you learned while researching your topic.
Answers: I learned that diamonds are made from carbon during high temperature and pressure times.

Question 4) Where did you find your information to your research topic?
Answers: I found the information on the internet.

Question 5) Where does your research topic live or where can it be found?
Answers: Diamonds are most often mined for in Central and South Africa.

Question 6) List the most interesting fact about your topic you found.
Answers: Diamonds take anywhere between one and three billion years to form.

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